Nem sei o que dizer. O filme é lindo. Mereceu cada prêmio e cada indicação.
Faz você querer acreditar.
"Jamal Malik: I knew you'd be watching
Latika: I thought we would meet only in death.
Jamal Malik: This is our destiny
Latika: Kiss me
Jamal Malik: If it wasn't for Ram or Allah, we'd still have a mother.
Maman: Jamal, time has come to turn professional.
Youngest Jamal: Really?
Maman: But first, let me hear that song Darshan Do Ghanshyam, my favorite bhajan.
Youngest Jamal: [sings] Darshan Do [stops and commands] Fifty rupees!
Maman: [bewildered]
Youngest Jamal: I'm a professional now, what to do?
Maman: [laughs] Cheeky little bugger!
Prem Kumar: A few hours ago, you were giving chai for the phone walahs. And now you're richer than they will ever be. What a player! [audience applauds]
Prem Kumar: So are you ready for the final question for 20 million rupees?
Jamal Malik: No, but maybe its written, no?
Prem Kumar: Maybe...
Prem Kumar: Final question for twenty million rupees, and he's smiling. I guess you know the answer.
Jamal Malik: Do you believe it, I don't!
Prem Kumar: You don't? So you take the ten million and walk?
Jamal Malik: No. I'll play.
Middle Jamal: [seeing the Taj Mahal] Is this heaven? Middle Salim: You're not dead Jamal. Middle Jamal: What is it? Some hotel?
Jamal Malik: When somebody asks me a question, I tell them the answer.
Police Inspector: Doctors... Lawyers... never get past 60 thousand rupees. He's won 10 million. Police Inspector: What can a slumdog possibly know?
Jamal Malik: [quietly] The answers.
Police Inspector: Money and women. The reasons for make most mistakes in life. Looks like you've mixed up both."
"Money and women. The reasons for make most mistakes in life"
Essa frase é minha!!! hahaha
Olha, sinceramente, não achei assim esses balaiotodo não... E aquele finalzinho à la Bollywood! hehehehe
Não gostei desse filme... Na verdade, achei "pesado" demais.
P.S.: Agora essa história de "essa frase é minha" aqui em cima está esquisita... :P
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